Green tea Romeo e Giulietta LA VIA DEL TE 100g

  • €8.54€18.50
Leaf tea Romeo e Giulietta in 100 g
Romantic blend of green teas, papaya, strawberry and rose petals with a sweet and fruity fragrance. For dreamers and lovers.
The line "I Profumi del tè" plays with the evocative and colourful packaging in an ideal sensory journey. Six blends carefully studied by La Via del Tè to combine the natural fragrance of the tea base to the typical Mediterranean scents.
Product information
Weight 100 g
In box 3 pcs
Country of origin Italy
Tea description
features Aroma: Fruity / Color: Deep yellow / Flavour: Mild, fruity
preparation 2/3 g to 200 cc. of water at a temperature of 80°, leaving in infusion for 2/3 minutes .Enjoy it iced! Ideal to create long drinks and cocktails.
ingredients Green teas (China, Japan), papaya, rose petals, strawberry, natural flavour, flavours.
pairings Excellent with teatime cakes and biscuits in general.

Tags: Green, tea, Romeo, Giulietta, Gift idea, La Via Del Te', 8004091041029

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