
– 200g of Maruzzella Canned Tuna

– 3 zucchini

– 2 Maruzzella Anchovy Fillets

– 1 egg

– 50g of Parmigiano Reggiano

– breadcrumbs

– marjoram

– garlic

– EVO oil


First, remove the zucchini ends, cut the zucchini in half and slice them thin using a mandolin. Quickly boil the zucchini slices to soften them and let them cool down.

In the meantime, make the stuffing: hand chop the remaining zucchini and sauté them in a pan with the EVO oil, two Maruzzella Anchovy Fillets and a clove of garlic.

Remove the garlic and put the mixture in a mixer; then add Maruzzella Canned Tuna, fresh marjoram, egg and Parmigiano Reggiano. Pulse to obtain a smooth cream (add a pinch of salt).

To make the rolls: place the zucchini slices on a table and place the stuffing on them, then roll them. Sprinkle some breadcrumbs and Parmigiano on top of the rolls, bake for 20/25 minutes at 180°C and you are done!

Vegetables and Maruzzella Canned Tuna Turnovers
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